Jewelry/forged craft knives

forged craft knives

Never too sharp

As sharp as it is beautiful! Forged in Croatia.

find out how the sharpest knives are made

Watch my short video and find out how I make knives as sharp as they are beautiful.

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Most popular Knives

Getting metal to bend to one’s will is no easy feat.

Gyuto 210


Japanese multi-layered steel, stabilized beech handle.

Santoku 160


52100 carbon steel,handle-olive/bog oak,mdf saya/stand

Make your own knife workshop

Make your own knife workshop

For all those who desire true things that remain in a lasting memory, our workshop offers the opportunity to create a unique knife that will reflect your personality with expert guidance.

This workshop is individual in nature, where we dedicate ourselves exclusively to you and your wishes. In this creative process, you will be guided through each step of the process, and in the end, after just a few hours, you will leave with a knife that you have made yourself.

With a little help from us 😉

At the workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn the details of the almost forgotten skill of knife forging and gain experience working in metal and wood shaping. Immersed in creative work, we achieve a state of active relaxation, making this workshop an ideal gift for a loved one or an opportunity to give yourself an unforgettable experience.

Let this day be your trip to the extraordinary!

Fill the form below and check the first available date.

My story

There was always special bond beetween me and metals. I started with iron skelet of a horse in its natural size as an academic assignment and went in to jewellery making in silver and gold. The latest and for the moment the biggest joy of mine is forging knives. Making steel hot enough so he can accept my idea is special experience. I feel like forging is my true passion and everything I did was just a step that led me into making knives.

Photo shooting

The picture speaks a thousand words.

How to find me

You can find Shaato near to the Mirogoj cemetery in upper town, check the address bellow and contact me in advance as Im not whole day available in the forge house 🙂

Request a product

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